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Case Study. How smart people use these services.

Discover peope like you who have found success with The Rocketman
Claudia New York
Applying and Keeping the Bigger Fundamental Picture In Mind + Read more

This is a video of one of Rocketman’s student’s, Claudia.  She has been learning to trade for 10 months with Rocketman and is successfully grasping and applying the knowledge that she has learnt to the markets.  Here is her story; its the beginning of a great journey!

Fayyoz New York
Knowledge Is Power! When Fundamental and Technical Analysis Unite! + Read more

Fayyoz has been working with Rocketman privately before the inception of along with several other students.  He is an example of a budding rocketeer and currency trader, applying the principles and education found through the Rocketman’s mentorship and guidance.

Fayyoz is better of today as a developing trader with the Rocketman.  Let Fayyoz share his thoughts and his story in this very candid and first video of Rocketman.

our mission

Rocketman treats trading as a job or business and his main goal is to extract a conservative salary from the markets. And to make your life and work easier, Rocketman carves out his own trading plan, all in a consistent manner, that is easy to follow at your own risk in the live chat sessions and weekend prep meetings.

We seek to achieve what lowers our risk, increases profitability and enhance our trading experience by a reality-based method that provides a forward-looking, multi-dimensional, view of the stock market.

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OFFICE LOCATION 99 Wall Street, Suite#852, New York, NY 10005